Elementary, My Dear Watson!

Our 8th grade ELA classes just finished up reading and solving the case of Sherlock Holmes’ “The Adventure of the Speckled Band.” We spent time looking at how the author establishes mood and keeping our own detective journals. Today we played a Jeopardy review game to make sure that we knew the details of the story in advance of our quiz.

As always, we are working on making inferences–reading between the lines–of the text that we are reading and applying this to the world around us. We will continue to focus on this important reading skill as we move past Thanksgiving and into the month of December! Where does the year go?!

As a reminder, please be sure to check the parent portal for up-to-date grades or missing assignments. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns!

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Tell Me a Story

This week we will be focusing on storytelling and the different ways in which stories are told. We will read about Pullman train porters who spread stories through the oral tradition and learn about how those stories grow into tall tales and other fiction. Students will be asked to come up with their own true story from their family (or make a new one).

There will be a literary terms quiz on Monday the 28th. The notes from our discussion on literary terms are on the 8th grade links page to help students study.

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A New Year Begins!

It’s hard to believe that a new school year is already upon us! This website is new this year, and it is my hope that both students and parents will be able to use it to get information about what we are working on in class, homework assignments, and to download important files. For both 8th grade and AP, there are important links to the class syllabi as well to Google Calendars with homework assignments posted. Students (and parents) are able to add the Google Calendar to their own calendar if they wish to remain updated.

We had a great first day today, and I am looking forward to a fantastic school year! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

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